My Place – 1788

Today I walked behind Barangaroo she had dingo on her it was warm, the big tree brunches hanged over with some light going through the gaps of the leaves. While the dead levels crunched every time you stepped. It smelled humid the sun was up there was still dew on the bushes which has been grown in the shade. It was a good day for hunting and there’s a lake near by to cool of.

We talked about getting Mung back into the tribe there was a agreement that a dance battle was to be called Who ever wins gets to fish. She did her dance moves which were pretty good but it was my time to go I flapped my wings no one answered were really every one knows it’s a wedged tail eagle it was time for voting I threatened them ha should of seen their wimpy faces then we took our spears to go fishing and the big ceremony worked and the big cod won him back

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I am an upper primary classroom teacher. I believe that Education should be at the forefront of responding to change, rather than catching up with it. I believe that the profession is changing rapidly and that the role of a teacher is approaching that of a facilitator of learning. I enjoy implementing new ideas into my classroom and continuously learning with my students. Technology is a tool, not the answer.

One thought on “My Place – 1788”

  1. You could work on grammar and using the correct verb tenses. I liked how it wasn’t too long and you got a lot of information into a small piece of writing.
    Overall 7/10 Good job

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